Healing History, May 15 - 17; 2015 Brussels

Healing History
Process Work in combination with Circle Practice
May 15 - 17, 2015; Brussels


Nations, ethnic communities and faith groups, like individuals and relationships, need support and safe spaces to integrate their history, particularly related to collective trauma. Many of us hold memories of our ancestors’ horrible experiences, often deeply buried in our bodies. And yet, we often find ourselves silenced when we start to speak up about old woundings. Breaking this silence is a first step towards healing personal, trans-generational and collective trauma.


Healing collective traumas by connecting with each other as human beings is the goal of the seminar. We work with unresolved historical crimes and their effects on our personal lives. Through exploring the power of non-violent methods of conflict facilitation, we want to contribute to peace-building and to reducing violence on all levels, ranging from family to global issues.
We want to bring people together from different backgrounds and different countries to build trustful relationships; creating space for all voices and feelings to show up. Special attention will go to the different European national and regional identities and how rank issues continue to influence us.


We will focus on capacity building in both methods of Process-oriented Psychology (majority of the time) and Circle Practice. The participants get a chance to bring their personal experience in and work directly with their issues. The seminar will blend teaching modules with deep practical experience of process work, inner work, dyad exercises and circle conversations.






Process Work is a cross-disciplinary approach to human experience, developed by Arnold and Amy Mindell and a great team of colleagues. Rooted in Jungian Psychology, quantum physics and Taoism, Process Work is a holistic awareness practice that offers a new understanding and way of working with body experiences, dreams, symptoms, relationships, and interpersonal and social conflicts.
One of the principles of Process Work is that whatever is happening in any given moment, however troublesome or disturbing it may seem - it contains the seed for a meaningful process. Once this seed unfolds, it can reveal its message.


Circle Practice is an ancient form of meeting that has gathered human beings into respectful conversation for thousands of years; simple but yet profound. It gives us the capacity to have conversations and dialogue even when no process worker or no facilitator is around. We will teach the agreements and principles that are the backbone of this practice; and we will practice in small and bigger groups.



Gary Reiss and Bogna Skymkiewicz for Process Work:

Dr. Gary Reiss (US) holds an LCSW, PhD., and is a certified trainer in Process-oriented Psychology. Gary has a private practice in Eugene and Portland, Oregon, and teaches Process oriented Psychology worldwide. He is a senior faculty member at the Process Work Institute, and brings 35 plus years’ experience to his work. His specialties include family therapy, sex therapy, working with coma patients, Worldwork in hot spots in the world, organizational development, and integrating Process Work with different spiritual traditions. He has published 9 books including The Dance of Sex; Dreaming Money: and Families that Dream Together. His new book coming out in 2015 is the Power of Love.

I founded the Healing History project after I became aware of the need of so many to make sense of the history of their people; the way that history is repeating itself; and the need to change this and make a more humane world.


Dr. Bogna Szymkiewicz (Poland) holds a PhD in psychology. She is a certified Process Oriented Psychology teacher and co-founder of the Polish School of Process Oriented Psychology and Psychotherapy, Warsaw, Poland. Bogna works with clients in her private practice and has been teaching at the University of Warsaw
for more than 25 years. She is the author of a book about hurt feelings in relationships: 'Wounded states of consciousness' and co-author of 'Deeper into the Soul’. Her latest work focuses on healing after experiences of domestic violence.

Growing up in Poland in communist times and being involved in political changes which seemed unthinkable before, I know how much our inner world is shaped by history. But I have also experienced that a historical situation as well as our perception and feelings around it may change: transforming consciousness really makes a difference.


Ria Baeck and Michaela Sieh (both Belgium) for Circle Practice:

Ria Baeck is a transformational change professional who has a rich background of experience, blending Circle Practice and Art of Hosting with Systemic and Organizational Constellations. These practices can reveal the hidden dynamics in human systems and bring them into flow again. Drawing on the mental, the emotional and the intuitive knowing often creates the space for new and fresh solutions to emerge in a short time. Ria is trained as a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, integrating the body in the process of healing. Besides being a coach and mentor, who combines deep compassion, embodied awareness and a lust for life, she facilitates and hosts transformation in individuals and groups.

After being immersed in this workshop in 2014, I saw its huge value for people working within Europe and its institutions; especially the rank issue between countries and regions was an eye-opener for me!


Michaela Sieh, MD, is trained as a physician and psychotherapist. Circle Practice is for her a sacred portal to our shared humanity. Her recent work has been in the field of collective trauma, focusing on trans-generational trauma in Jewish families. - So many old wounds surface now in Europe and globally: wounds inflicted by wars, by the Shoah and by regional and national conflicts. What do we need to learn together so that we can transform old, often embodied pain into a new way of living together? Michaela believes in the transformative power of Circle Practice and Process Work. She feels inspired by the co-creating process that is evolving for Healing History 2015.

I am deeply committed to bring my professional and personal experiences to our Healing History project. This work is needed so urgently: transforming hatred and violence into love and kindness - individually, in our communities and collectively.


Friday, May 15, 10 am till Sunday, May 17, 4 pm
working hours on Friday and Saturday: 10 am - 6 pm

Venue: Oude Abdij Kortenberg (close to Brussels city centre, 30 min from airport by public transport)

Accommodation: at venue, basic comfort, in beautiful park, cost: 130 € for 3 days / 2 nights full board

Participation fee:
We know that participants for this workshop come from very, very different economic backgrounds. We have created different rates to reflect that, because we need to create a balance where those who can afford it pay the higher rates so that others with less financial possibilities can participate.
Rates (incl. VAT):
• standard: 580,80 €
• standard plus: 750,20 €
• modest: 363,00 €
• minimum: 181,50 €
If you want to donate to this ongoing, Europe-wide healing project, please contact us to figure out details.

Registration can happen here!

In need of more information, contact Michaela: michaela.sieh  at   gmail.com


Healing History 2014 in Bonn was an incredibly deep experience for me. Gary supported me in working with my trans-generational and collective trauma related to the Holocaust experiences of my Jewish ancestors. I felt witnessed and held. Clean and clear, trusting each other, without shame. We moved to that space “beyond the stories” where new possibilities can emerge and manifest.”  (Shared by a participant of Healing History 2014)

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