Moving The Edge March 06

Below you can read part of the invitation that was sent out by the convening team of this inspiring gathering. We learned a lot about Collective Intelligence and about self-organising meetings.
Intentionally, we cronicled the whole process, from the preparing calls till the last closing one. If you are in for a good story 'on the edge of evolution' then you can read it

Moving The Edge

An adventurous inquiry
into the role
of collective intelligence
in moving the edge of evolution

This gathering is intended to support the emergence of a field of collective intelligence - a field where the practices, insights, principles, collegial networks etc. of collective intelligence can be evolved in ways that have not happened so far.

If you feel called by this invitation, then you are invited.

The gathering will take place March 20-23, 2006, Aarhus, Denmark.

After the gathering the format of the whole process was described as a prototype by Finn Voldtofte. You can read it here.

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