Meeting The Collective Shadow

The participants group for this workshop represented various fields (conflict research, peace-work, political science, philosophy, psychology, business, spirituality, healing). We were all eager to understand and enter into dialogue with one another and hopefully we integrated more of the split-off side of humanity. At least is was a very inspiring event!

At the edge of conscious evolution:

Meeting the Collective Shadow

An exploration into the darkness of human nature
for the strong- and openhearted.

Facilitated by Ria Baeck and Hans Jecklin

Sunday, 10 September 2006, 5 p.m. - Wednesday, 13 September, 2006, 10 a.m.

Wilderswil (Interlaken), Switzerland

As individuals we have learned to accept, confront and integrate our shadow as a part of our path to inner freedom and more wisdom. We think that, in a similar way, the collective shadow of nations, world regions, ethnic and religious groups, has to be accepted, confronted and integrated. How else could humanity reach true freedom from those powerful but unconscious waves that continuously manifest in wars, terrorism, misuse of economic power and – maybe - even in natural catastrophes?

Individually, we have learned to integrate and transform the shadow by allowing and accepting its emanation within ourselves, by taking it deeply to our heart and by listening to what the underlying bond or pattern needs. How can we do this collectively, for the good of the whole?

In this workshop, we will - with the help of systemic constellation work and contemplative practices - explore the potential of a group to access a deeper understanding of the collective unconscious: from its roots and its fundamental nature to its role in the evolution of human consciousness.

We will furthermore investigate how, as individuals and as a group, we can enter into dialogue with complexes of the collective shadow and actively play a part in global healing and transformation, in the sense of “when 2 or 3 come together ….”.

As facilitators we don’t hold the answers to this challenging inquiry. But we will provide a safe space for this collective adventure. We will take time, all together, to build a strong container in order to be able to embrace the big contradictions and dynamics that we will face. We expect participants to be equally strong- and open-hearted as eager to explore and participate fully on the edge of conscious evolution.

We envision that participants will leave the training with a deeper understanding of the troubled state of our world, a sense of how the dynamics of the collective unconscious are working at the moment, and a feeling for how we as individuals and collectively can contribute to an increasing awareness and consciousness.


Ria Baeck, 1955, is a certified psychologist and a self employed psychotherapist since the early nineties. She is trained in Systemic Constellations in Belgium and England. She holds the question: What is the healing and creation power of Collective Intelligence and Wisdom?
Hans Jecklin''', 1938, is a facilitator for conscious evolution in business and society and works with individuals, teams or institutions. His life experience includes the role of an entrepreneur and an exploration towards inner freedom and into trans-religious spirituality. He lives in the countryside near Fribourg, Switzerland.


Dates: Sunday, 10th September, 5 p.m., to Wednesday, 13th September, 10 a.m.
Venue: The workshop is to be held at Villa Unspunnen in Wilderswil, near Interlaken, in one of the most beautiful regions of Switzerland. The house offers excellent conditions for deep and concentrated work in a peaceful and hospitable atmosphere.
Language: English
Group size: limited to 18 participants


Accommodation: The cost of full pension (basis: double-room) including breakfast, vegetarian lunch and dinner is CHF 290.- for the three days; a limited number of single rooms are available at CHF 335.- as well as double rooms for single occupancy at CHF 380.- Payment upon arrival at Villa Unspunnen in cash only (sorry: no credit-cards nor cheques).
Requests for reduction of the accommodation cost may be addressed to Hans Jecklin.

Workshop fee: Each participant will be asked to decide on his/her own contribution towards the facilitators’ fees and expenses at the end of the workshop.

Information and inscription:

Ria Baeck, Struikstraat 61C; 3460 Bekkevoort, Belgium; ++32 13 31 59 76
Hans Jecklin, Au Village 84, 1742 Autigny, Switzerland. ++41 26 477 97 77

A participant wrote in advance:
"I have dreamt for some years of a group of 'nobody's', taking some of the really large negative projections and turning, dissolving them through collectively centered heart and mind of the group into the unknowable present, so that they can be transformed and the unconstructive diffused. It is an action that I understand and look forward to exploring how we can do this with our very different ways of seeing and experience 'in community' so that the diversity solves/turns brings to light much larger issues than any one of us can possibly do alone. We will celebrate this wonderful diversity amongst us."

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