Collective Presencing book site
We know how to talk, we know how to debate, we know how to discuss; but most of the time we are far from having meaningful and strategic conversations or real dialogues. A lot of creative, conversational forms have been invented and used with great results in the last decades. They all try to make sure that everyone involved is able to speak, to contribute their view to the overall picture. These processes of conversations are used to tap into the collective intelligence of a group. Through skilfull design of the process the group can reach a higher level of understanding and motivation: collective wisdom leading to action!
This Art of Hosting is much wider in scope and skills than the use of different methodologies. It is a set of practices needed for hosting participatory methodologies and activating their powerful potential. The methods are not powerful in themselves. Hosted well, they become formidable cauldrons for emergence and co-creation.
My contribution will focus first on what is the real need or purpose of the conversations you had in mind. From there a process will be designed and hosted, all aimed to flow into the next step in the process; and into wise actions.
Of course, always comes the moment that you will ask me what is my fee. My answer will always be: It depends.
It depends on what feels right in the exchange between us. It depends on your circumstances and what is the price range you normally work with. I trust that in an open conversation we can come to an agreement that feels right for both parties, as I see this as part of the relationship we build and not just a financial transaction.
So far, it has always worked out well; with corporate clients, with NGO's, with social organisations, with start-ups, with long existing institutions.
Also in the open programs and workshops you will notice different attempts to make registration and engagement possible for as many as possible.
Let's open the conversation.
Here you find a report written by one of my/our clients, the Directorate General of Health and Consumers of the European Commission. And a nice video from the European Cluster Conference, Oct. 20-21, 2014; where I co-facilitated with a colleague the interactive part of the conference (watch from 3'28).
And a few in Dutch:
- Studiedag Herstel en Leefkwaliteit in St.Jan De Deo in Gent
- Stilte en Rust voor Gezondheid en Welzijn, een studiedag op initiatief van de Vlaams Minister voor Gezondheid, Welzijn en Gezin.
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