Enhancing Childrens Learning

Enhancing Children’s Learning

Between September 2004 and October 2005 the Nowhere Foundation led an action research project in 10 primary schools in Wiltshire, England. Early summer 2006 the decision was made to expand the knowledge and competences of the Enhancingchildren'slearning project to Belgium and the Netherlands.
Briefly, the project is about bringing systemic thinking into the classroom and translating it into simple tools and techniques.

At the end of the project a DVD was compiled that gives a good overview of the project and the basic principles: Systemic Approaches to Learning and Teaching.
This DVD is available for free; and the brochure is translated into Dutch. If you live in Belgium, you can contact me to get a free copy.

The start of this project in Belgium (in Dutch), was a first Systemic Constellation workshop for people in Education on Saturday, September 30, 2006. More then 20 participants enjoyed this inspiring day. The same workshop happened on January 20, 2007. A more deepening workshop will be organised later. Read more: Systemische Benaderingen van Leren en Opvoeden.
If you are interested in what systemic thinking can do for teachers, pupils, the learning in schools and education in general; please get in touch with me.
via email
mobile: 00 32 (0)473/50.21.76

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