Art Of Hosting On Art Of Hosting

Art of Hosting on Art of Hosting - Europe

June, 6 - 8, 2007

Heerlijckyt van Elsmeren, Belgium


We are calling ourselves – and you and many others – to deepen our practice together.
The calling question is:


How do we live the next level of our individual and collective practices in the arts of convening, hosting and harvesting meaningful conversations?


Our purposes are:
• meeting each other and expanding our circle of mates
• hosting ourselves and self-organizing around questions that matter
• being a self-reflective community of practitioners inquiring into the patterns of convening, hosting and harvesting to inform the evolution of this community and practice
• reflect on how to give shape to the potential of the Art of Hosting learning community
• hanging out in De Heerlijckyt van Elsmeren


Topics that are already hot:
• How do we go from individual practitioners to a connected field of practitioners? Are we a community of learners or are we a community that learns?
• What is emerging now? Exploring what can our community become? “into words that have never been spoken before”
• What is our presence of/in being together?
• What might be the role of Europe in the world?
• What have we learned with and through our practice to date? Where do we individually – and collectively – sense the edge in this?
• How to host in other contexts? in difficult situations? in large scale change?
You may be called to this space as an Art of Hosting practitioner, or you might have been in an Art of Hosting training or something similar. Please check the website or get in contact with one of us to open a conversation about it!
The calling team


Logistics and Fees


From Wednesday June 6th 9.30 am, to Friday June 8th, 5 pm.
Participation Fee: 150,-€ + VAT 21%
Accommodation and meals:
single acc: 306,-€ + VAT 21%
shared: 248,20€ + VAT 21%
(For non-belgians: no VAT when you have a VAT number)


  • If the price of the gathering is not affordable for you, let us know as we hold the following principle: “To be part of the gathering, everyone should contribute as much as they can and a little bit more; with a minimum of 50% of the fee”.


  • We also invite you to pay what you can and a little more to support a few scholarships, especially for people coming from Eastern Europe, maybe Africa.


  • Accommodation for the previous night can be arranged at extra cost


The place:


Heerlijckyt van Elsmeren is an outstanding meeting place for workshops, projects or events for personal enhancement, group or organizational development and social commitment.


The calling team:
George Pór
Helen Titchen Beeth
Jos Niesten
Lieven Calewaert
Maria Scordialis
Monica Nissen
Nicole Baussart
Ria Baeck
Sarah Whiteley
Simone Poutnik
Toke Møller
We look forward to seeing you!


Registration and Information
Mail to Ria Baeck
00 32 (0)13 31.59.76 landline
00 32 (0)473 50.21.76 mobile


How will the harvest of this gathering serve the world?


You can download the full brochure, and also the registration form.


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